Proposal - [F9] Train Operations
Posted 18 June 2024 - 04:38 AM
I like the vertical option more as it feels like reading an actual train list rather doing so much horizontal scrolling. So less scrolling, click a engine wagon show symbol or side click to show the old wording way of what to do to that engine or wagon. There's still some advanced features missing such as certain valves or breakers that will someday need to be implemented.
Posted 18 June 2024 - 06:44 AM
Traindude, on 27 January 2024 - 05:26 PM, said:
Like this?...:
Open Rails 2024-01-27 05-13-31_Cropped_Gray.jpg
...or like this?:
Obviously, these images are demonstrations. These would need to be updated when the new Train Ops graphics are created.
This is a sorely missed feature. I've missed you since the beginning. In Europe, there are trains where the ends of the two cars rest on a common bogie. This is the so-called Jacobs bogie. It cannot be disassembled only in a suitable workshop with many hours of work. I like the lower red marking better. More attention grabbing.
Sincerely, Laci1959
Posted 19 June 2024 - 07:43 AM
I think, some special symbol, like = would look more logical, than striked-out auto-coupler symbol(which could mean/be understood as failed coupling, or so).
Permanent coupling is neither automatic, nor hook by it's design, so why mess symbols.
Excuse me, if it sounds too straightforward - haven't intention to offend anyone.
Posted 06 August 2024 - 12:08 PM
I do have a few thoughts about future improvements, should there be any.
In North America, and perhaps elsewhere, cars are identified by the owner's initials and the car's own serial number (e.g., B&O 123654), both of which are painted on the car, clearly visible to any of the crew working on the ground. I would love to see Initials() and CarNbr() in .wags and made visible somewhere in-game. My question is to ask if there is anything like this in other countries? Surely there must be some aid to help the people on the ground do the right thing besides counting to the 37th car and hoping you got it right.
Second, I noticed someone mentioned Lading. Again, another longed for add: LadingName() and LadingMass(). The later really needs EmptyMass() too so ALL .wags have EmptyMass() and the value of the official parameter, Mass() is handled by OR.
Last, this too may be specific to North America (but I rather doubt it); The conductor is in charge of the train and when it comes to the retail side of train operations (a.k.a switching) he has the information for exactly where the switching will occur and I would expect that includes the name of the shipper (for dropping empties) or consignee (for receiving loads) as well as the car(s) initial(s) and number(s).
When you put it all together the parametric data might look like this:
StationName(Oak Park) TrackID(123) Action(Drop) Initials(ATSF) CarNbr(12754) Consignee(Nabisco) LadingName(Empty) LadingMass(0t-us)
StationName(Oak Park) TrackID(123) Action(Pickup) Initials(ATSF) CarNbr(63962) Shipper(Nabisco) LadingName(Biscuits) LadingMass(28t-us) and somewhere else:
StationName(Stockton) TrackID(789) Action(Drop) Initials(ATSF) CarNbr(63962) Consignee(Safeway) LadingName(Biscuits) LadingMass(28t-us)
How that should be presented (and how much of it) is a different (and harder) question. Some/all in the sprites above cars? Some in the brakeman's window you've created?
So the above is just food for thought; I do hope some of it has enough value to be coded.
Posted 09 August 2024 - 02:15 PM
For locomotives it contains type, for freight - type, for passenger - owner and purpose.
These are first two digits. Next five is number itself.
8-th digit is verification symbol, like we have on bar-codes. That's because automatic recognition facilities are used on bid station throats.
There are electronic marks, attached to stock, for rf-scanning instead of optical.
Posted 07 September 2024 - 03:07 AM
New train operation winoow is indeed eye candy, but it seems, code isn't perfect yet.
With 1.5.1-1192 testing version I got crash to desctop, after clicking on consist unit's number in F9 window.
details are below:
Information: At 0 secs, advanced adhesion model switched to low precision after low frame rate 12,6 below limit 30 Error: System.NullReferenceException: Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта. в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.TrainCarOperationsViewerWindow.buttonTogglePower.locomotiveStatus1(Int32 CarPosition) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.TrainCarOperationsViewerWindow.buttonTogglePower..ctor(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 size, Viewer viewer, Int32 carPosition) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.TrainCarOperationsViewerWindow.Layout(ControlLayout layout) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.Window.Layout() в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.TrainCarOperationsViewerWindow.PrepareFrame(ElapsedTime elapsedTime, Boolean updateFull) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.Window.VisibilityChanged() в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.buttonLoco.buttonLabel_Click(Control arg1, Point arg2) в System.Action`2.Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.Control.OnClick(Point mouseControlLocation) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.Control.HandleMouseUp(WindowMouseEvent e) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.ControlLayout.HandleMouseUp(WindowMouseEvent e) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.ControlLayout.HandleMouseUp(WindowMouseEvent e) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.ControlLayout.HandleMouseUp(WindowMouseEvent e) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.ControlLayout.HandleMouseUp(WindowMouseEvent e) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.ControlLayout.HandleMouseUp(WindowMouseEvent e) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.ControlLayout.HandleMouseUp(WindowMouseEvent e) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.ControlLayout.HandleMouseUp(WindowMouseEvent e) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.WindowControlLayout.HandleMouseUp(WindowMouseEvent e) в Orts.Viewer3D.Popups.WindowManager.HandleUserInput(ElapsedTime elapsedTime) в Orts.Viewer3D.Viewer.HandleUserInput(ElapsedTime elapsedTime) в Orts.Viewer3D.Viewer.Update(RenderFrame frame, Single elapsedRealTime) в Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.UpdaterProcess.Update() в Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.UpdaterProcess.DoUpdate() в Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.UpdaterProcess.UpdaterThread() в System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) в System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) в System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) в System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
No problem for cars - above is about diesel locomotive.
Power On icon is not being shown.
Battery icon occasionally not being too for electric loco.
White squares for both cases instead.
By the way, cab for that locomotive is not being installed (not sure, can that affect, or no), though, other locos with cab installed crash the game as well.
Very front/rear angle cocks is impossible to operate (it can be done with old menu Ctrl+Alt+F9, but no indication on new window).
Can't open cocks completely (that's being done automatically somehow, after hoses connection)
All that happens if different language is being choosen - not default English.
Posted 16 September 2024 - 06:42 AM
It seems to point to outdated locales files. I'll take a look.
Posted 16 September 2024 - 02:02 PM
What could I do from my side (locales) to assist You?
Posted 25 September 2024 - 06:45 AM
Weter, on 16 September 2024 - 02:02 PM, said:
Could you please test these files for the unstable version?
Unzip to the /Program folder.
The RunActivity.Messages.resources.dll file to the /Program/ru folder.
*** Updated : Fix available since unstable build U2024.10.10-2053.
Posted 08 October 2024 - 11:01 AM
About this bug, here is a fix for the Unstable version.
You need to unzip all the files in the program folder. (722.67K)
Number of downloads: 3