Genma Saotome, on 21 February 2024 - 02:37 PM, said:
WRT the 64 bit program, are there any new additions to what can be set in the settings file? Any deletions?
As of right now:
wireLineHeight = 6.7 // sets the yellow TDB line height to help position catenary/bridges
sectionLineHeight = 5 // sets the grey Tsection line that people probably don't notice is there
terrainSize = 1 // sets the cut/fill size value
terrainEmbankment = 2 // sets the cut/fill embankment value
terrainCut = 2 // sets the cut/fill cut value
terrainRadius = 9 // sets the cut/fill radius value
terrainBrushSize = 1 // sets the terrain brush size
terrainBrushIntensity = 12 // sets the terrain brush intensity
selectedTerrWidth=4 // sets the width of the terrain tile selection lines
selectedTerrColor = #FFB612 // sets the color for terrain tile selection lines
selectedWidth=2 // sets the width of the object selection lines
selectedColor = #B612FF // sets the color for object selection lines
There will likely be some other items added as default values as I continue digging.
No deletions yet.