Open Rails is starting... Argument 0 = -start Argument 1 = -activity Argument 2 = C:\1TS\ROUTES\3DTS_TEH2\ACTIVITIES\Night Freight West down Tehachapi Pass.act Version = X2252 Build = 0.0.5256.31911 (2014-05-23 17:43:42Z) Logfile = C:\Users\Gerry\Desktop\OpenRailsLog.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AdhesionMovingAverageFilterSize = 10 Alerter = False AlerterDisableExternal = True AvatarURL = BrakePipeChargingRate = (user set) 60 BreakCouplers = (user set) True Cab2DStretch = (user set) 100 CarVibratingLevel = (user set) 1 CurveResistanceSpeedDependent = (user set) True CurveSpeedDependent = (user set) True DataLogger = False DataLoggerSeparator = comma DataLogMisc = False DataLogPerformance = True DataLogPhysics = False DataLogSpeedUnits = route DataLogStart = False DataLogStationStops = False DataLogTrainSpeed = False DataLogTSContents = 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DataLogTSInterval = 10 DayAmbientLight = 20 DistantMountains = (user set) True DistantMountainsViewingDistance = 40000 DoubleWire = False DynamicShadows = (user set) True FastFullScreenAltTab = False FullScreen = False GraduatedRelease = (user set) True Language = LODAlwaysMaximum = (user set) True LODViewingExtention = False Logging = True LoggingFilename = OpenRailsLog.txt LoggingPath = C:\Users\Gerry\Desktop Menu_Selection = (user set) C:\1TS, C:\1TS\ROUTES\3DTS_TEH2, C:\1TS\ROUTES\3DTS_TEH2\ACTIVITIES\Night Freight West down Tehachapi Pass.act ModelInstancing = False MSTSBINSound = True Multiplayer = False Multiplayer_Host = Multiplayer_Port = 30000 Multiplayer_UpdateInterval = 10 Multiplayer_User = Gerry MultiplayerClient = False MultiplayerServer = False OverrideNonElectrifiedRoutes = (user set) True PerformanceTuner = False PerformanceTunerTarget = 60 Precipitation = False PreferDDSTexture = (user set) True PressureUnit = Automatic Profiling = False ProfilingFrameCount = 0 ProfilingTime = 0 ReplayPauseBeforeEnd = True ReplayPauseBeforeEndS = 0 ScreenshotPath = C:\Users\Gerry\Pictures\Open Rails ShaderModel = 3 ShadowAllShapes = False ShadowMapBlur = True ShadowMapCount = 4 ShadowMapDistance = 1500 ShadowMapResolution = 1024 ShowAvatar = False ShowErrorDialogs = True SoundDetailLevel = 5 SoundVolumePercent = 100 SuperElevationGauge = 1435 SuperElevationMinLen = 50 SuppressConfirmations = False TrainLights = False UseAdvancedAdhesion = True UseLargeAddressAware = (user set) True UseLocationPassingPaths = (user set) True UseMSTSEnv = False UseSuperElevation = 0 VerticalSync = (user set) True ViewDispatcher = (user set) True ViewingDistance = (user set) 3000 ViewingFOV = (user set) 40 WindowGlass = (user set) True WindowPosition_Activity = (user set) 39, 57 WindowPosition_CarOperations = (user set) 66, 59 WindowPosition_Compass = 50, 0 WindowPosition_ComposeMessage = 50, 50 WindowPosition_DriverAid = 100, 100 WindowPosition_Help = (user set) 48, 46 WindowPosition_NextStation = (user set) 16, 100 WindowPosition_Quit = (user set) 100, 1 WindowPosition_Switch = (user set) 8, 100 WindowPosition_TrackMonitor = (user set) 0, 100 WindowPosition_TrainOperations = (user set) 66, 40 WindowSize = (user set) 1920x1080 Wire = (user set) True WorldObjectDensity = 10 YoungestFailedToRestore = 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mode = activity Activity = C:\1TS\ROUTES\3DTS_TEH2\ACTIVITIES\Night Freight West down Tehachapi Pass.act -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loading TRK TDB SIGCFG DAT ACT RDB CARSPAWN SIGSCR WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Warning: Not sufficient track to place train Run AI : 7 Information: Player train started on time ENV SIGCFG SIGCFG TTYPETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLWWWSWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$WSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$WWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$WWWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$WWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$WSSSSSSSSSS$WSSSSSSSWWWWWWWCS Information: Skipped unknown shader name Diffuse first seen in shape c:\1ts\trains\trainset\3dts_sd75m\3dts_sd75m_bnsf_8255_night.s CSCSCCSCCCCSCSCSCCCSCCSCCCSCCCSCCSCCCCCCSCCCSCSCCCSCCCCCCSCCSCCCCSCCSCCCCSCCSCCCCSCSCSCCCCCCSCSCSCSCSCSCSCCCSCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Information: Game.ReplaceState(GameStateViewer3D) GameStateViewer3D Loader: Time = 00:00:08.0874626 ms Loader: Expected = 78,771,262 bytes Loader: Actual = 87,207,735 bytes Loader: Difference = 8,436,473 bytes (10.7 %) Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.Button, Text: See in Game]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox, CheckState: 1]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox, CheckState: 1]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.Button, Text: Follow]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.Button, Text: Normal]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.Button, Text: Assist]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox, CheckState: 1]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox, CheckState: 1]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox, CheckState: 1]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.ListBox, Items.Count: 2, Items[0]: To Main Route]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.ListBox, Items.Count: 4, Items[0]: System Controlled]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox, CheckState: 1]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.Button, Text: Reply to Selected]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.ListBox]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.Button, Text: Compose MSG]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.Button, Text: MSG to All]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.Button, Text: MSG to Selected]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.TextBox, Text: ]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox, CheckState: 1]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox, CheckState: 0]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.Button, Text: Remove]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.ListView, Items.Count: 0]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.Label, Text: m]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.Label, Text: Res]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.UpDownBase+UpDownButtons]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.UpDownBase+UpDownEdit, Text: 5000]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown, Minimum = 80, Maximum = 200000]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.Button, Text: View Train]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox, SizeMode: Normal]' Localizing '[LocalizableObjectAdapter: Source=ORTS.Debugging.DispatchViewer, Text: DispatchViewer]' Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. 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Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.85869mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.34597mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.34597mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.34597mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.34597mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.34597mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.34597mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.34597mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.34597mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.34597mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.49368mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.49368mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.49368mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.49368mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.49368mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.6843mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.49368mph on this curve. Warning: Cab control size 32x32 is smaller than frame size 33x32 (frames may be cut-off) for C:\1TS\trains\trainset\3DTS_SD75M\CABVIEW\revtextNIGHT.ace:day. Warning: Cab control size 34x28 is smaller than frame size 39x49 (frames may be cut-off) for C:\1TS\trains\trainset\3DTS_SD75M\CABVIEW\AlerterLeft.ace:day. Information: Ignored missing animations data in shape c:\1ts\routes\3dts_teh2\shapes\nboard.s Warning: Cab control size 54x26 is smaller than frame size 54x32 (frames may be cut-off) for C:\1TS\trains\trainset\3DTS_SD75M\CABVIEW\overspeedDisplay_3dtsNIGHT.ace:day. Information: Initialized OpenAL 1.1 ALSOFT 1.15.1; device 'OpenAL Soft' by 'OpenAL Community' SSSSS Warning: At speed 22.66517mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. SSSSSSSSSSS Warning: At speed 21.21256mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.21587mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.21581mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.34597mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 22.0071mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.21554mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.49368mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.32135mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.23105mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.24018mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.24125mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.34597mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.33014mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.32492mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. S Warning: At speed 21.31822mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. S Warning: At speed 21.32938mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.32097mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. S Warning: At speed 21.32442mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.33121mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.32495mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.31544mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.32875mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.33473mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.32812mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. SS Warning: At speed 21.33661mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. S Warning: At speed 21.33278mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.323mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.33078mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.21496mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.3305mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. S Warning: At speed 21.33198mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.09023mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. S Warning: At speed 21.09498mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.30379mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. S Warning: At speed 21.3297mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.12391mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.37224mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.16989mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.30168mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.24419mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.33167mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. S Warning: At speed 21.31565mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.29347mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. S Warning: At speed 21.38605mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. S Warning: At speed 21.36448mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.29345mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.42439mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.44111mph, train TEHWalongTrf1 is exceeding the safe speed 20.31195mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.36261mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. SS Warning: At speed 21.33585mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.38316mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.39314mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.41919mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.40928mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.4312mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.33908mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. S Warning: At speed 21.31822mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.34394mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.32047mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 18.04765mph on this curve. Warning: At speed 21.34283mph, train TEHWalongTrf2 is exceeding the safe speed 19.7702mph on this curve. Information: Game.PopState()