Apology for hi-jacking this tread on Eng/Wag files....
Genma Saotome, on 02 September 2024 - 05:06 PM, said:
Would a new consist parameter be of use,
Dave I was looking at this not from a "Consist" standpoint but from an Activity standpoint. Having been looking into a "New" activity editor for probably over a year now...(I keep getting diverted into other areas like Consists....) I was thinking an Activity specific parameter was neeted....something like "ORTSActivityObject" with Location relative to the track hence the offset from track center for placement....
Genma Saotome, on 02 September 2024 - 05:06 PM, said:
FWIW I have never understood why the procedure to place loose consists is what it is. Why not just place a real consist?
Agree, in fact if you use TSRE to develop Activities, all loose consists are defined in the consist editor then placed as consist in the activity editor portion of TSRE. Personnal I think in an Activity file "loose consists " should just have an "include" file that list the consist files and placing locations for the loose consist rather than including the entire consist as part of the activity file...
eric from trainsim, on 02 September 2024 - 06:09 PM, said:
Instead of trying to do hacks, why not look at expanding the existing data structure slightly?
Eric, one of the objectives I had set for myself looking in "Activity Editor" was to try NOT to introduce a new feature into ORTS but to work within the existing data structures as much as possible. However it get to a point where modifying existing ORTS code baseline is an easier solution....Again, why it's taking me over a year at this point and not showing a lot of progress on an Activity editor....I have to stop and dig through ORTS code....(I'm not a C# programmer by any stretch of the imagination and it takes me a while to figure out what the code is doing and in most cases I guess wrong). Initially I thought of extending the activity editor with TSRE would be best, but the more I dig through ORTS code and the TSRE code baseline, the more I'm convinced that a 2D prospective is more conducive to activity editor, especially if you combine the features of "Track Viewer" into an activity editor which I believe is essential.
eric from trainsim, on 02 September 2024 - 06:09 PM, said:
Another option is having an activity specific world file within the Activity folders which could potentially replace the route's W file for that activity.
I had the same thought, however because I figured that world files are loaded before activity files (my assumption....you know what they say about assumptions....) then this would not be as practical as loading an activity object relative to track position....any way that was my thoughts.
copperpen, on 03 September 2024 - 04:45 AM, said:
They are Invisocars that have the scenic item offset from the track, and no couplers.
Also thought about this but I didn't know if this was a "design feature" or and "accidental feature" of ORTS and therefore deserved more research into the ORTS codebaseline....and I didn't have clue where to start looking for this one....
Anyway...again apologies for hi-jacking the eng/wag discussion....