Hi guys, I have another issue regarding positioning and rotating objects.
It seems as though when replacing an existing object with a new one, when the original object is close to a tile boundary, TSRE wants to place the new object on the adjacent tile instead of the tile on which the original object was located.
Case in point:
Here I am replacing the stock grade crossing signals on this route with new objects from Travis Ebner's crossing package. Here's the original crossing signal before deletion:
tsrexing1.jpg (51.29K)
Number of downloads: 3
Make note of the tile X and Z ID's, as they will illustrate this problem.
Now, look what happens when I place a new crossing signal at that exact same intersection:
tsrexing2.jpg (52.83K)
Number of downloads: 2
You can see that TSRE has placed the crossing signal at tile X -12160 instead of -12159 like where the original signal was. Normally, this is not of a concern for static objects, as I can easily place the new object somewhere else on the "correct" tile and copy the Pos/Rot of the original, but with "interactive" objects that are "anchored" to the track and/or road, this can cause some problems.
Just thought you guys ought to know...
Copy Pos/Rot Problem Object Disappears
Posted 29 August 2024 - 08:20 AM
It's a known issue. For whatever reason, TSRE doesn't always take a hard position on positions... especially if an object has been dragged at some point or is an interactive and needs to be attached to a track node or section that.
Take a look at the rounded X position value: -1015.6 and 1035.06 are approximately the same world position (within two meters).
Take a look at the rounded X position value: -1015.6 and 1035.06 are approximately the same world position (within two meters).