there is this sound where a moving train brakes and the wagons become louder because of the friction between the brakes and the axles.
I wanted to simulate this sound.
I took the discrete trigger of brake pipe pressure decrease and the sound should be heard until the brakes are released / the train almost stops.
Here is the .sms section I made:
Skip ( 1. vonatfek ) Stream ( Priority ( 6 ) Volume ( 0.5 ) Triggers ( 2 Discrete_Trigger ( 142 StartLoopRelease ( 1 File ( "brake.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) ) Discrete_Trigger ( 141 ReleaseLoopReleaseWithJump ( ) ) ) VolumeCurve( SpeedControlled CurvePoints ( 4 0.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 2.77 0.5 5.5 1.0 ) Granularity ( 0.05 ) ) )
Of course I inserted some cue points into the wav file too, ID 00000 - 00005.
The problem is, the sound just keeps looping infinitely after applying the brakes the first time. There are no Log entries so it shouldn't come from a missing ')' or so.
Any ideas how to make my original idea come to life?
Thanks and cheers