Apply for membership using this link.
You will be shown our rules and prompted to agree to abide by those rules before you may record identifying information such as your name, e-mail address, interests and the name you wish to be known by on the board. An e-mail will be sent to you immediately as a means to confirm the address you provided. You must reply to that e-mail within 24 hours.
Upon receipt of your reply, your application will be reviewed by an Admin who will read the information you provided. If he is convinced you are genuinely interested in our subject matter, are not a spammer, or are not an ex-member who has been banned you will be accepted as a new member.
New members are granted access to one half of the board -- Software Development -- which is largely focused on questions, answers, and feedback to the developers of the Open Rails software (and other similar efforts). This satisfies the interests of about 80% of new members. For others, the second half of the board is where Content and Sim Usage are discussed, as well as providing access to the download library. The content half may be accessed on request to the owner of the board, Rui Fonseca (Aldarion). You will be asked to provide some proof of identity before access is granted. This extra security step is taken to protect the file library and board from peculiar known threats made possibly by the trivially easy anonymizing features of the internet itself. Your understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated.
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Obtaining membership
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