roeter, on 07 July 2017 - 09:02 AM, said:
A backfacing signal is not just something visual - the signal-head actually works in the opposite direction.
A signal with a backfacing head therefor operates in both directions.
So, in trackviewer, two signals should be displayed, one each in both directions.
Which signal is forward and which is backfacing is not easy to derive, the information is held in a signal-head related bitmask, similar in layout as the bitmask which details the optional signal heads. Both bitmasks are set in the worldfile entry.
To make things even more complicated, there are actually signals which have backfacing heads only. Which means such a signal only works in the direction opposite to how it is oriented. Why anyone would design and use such a signal remains a mystery to me, but they do exist.
Jeroen, I do not know if you have access to the processed signal objects, but if you do, it might help to know that signals with backfacing heads are split into two separate signal objects.
Rob Roeterdink
I agree, but this (two) Signals included in one Signal with Backfacing-side, use only one common shape oriented to the forward side, this shape include all what is needed for the backfacing signal.
Actually Trackviewer is showing in the status line by mouseover on the signal-symbol all TrItemId ( 0 Nr's ) from both side of the signal. It would be nice if Trackviewer would split this indications corrsponding to the two halfs of the signal-symbol.