Elvas Tower: Mine Car Tramway and Mine Car Medium Size - Elvas Tower

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Mine Car Tramway and Mine Car Medium Size Rate File: -----

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Mine Car Tramway and Mine Car Medium Size by CrisGer 
08 September 2015 - 02:17 AM
Last Updated
08 September 2015 - 10:06 AM
File Size
16.33MB (Estimated Download Times)
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Elkton Mine Car Tramway Medium size 2.0


I am sorry i had to remove the tailings piles and the 3D track as the model was too large to load. Now it should work and there is a seperate tailings pile model here to use.

Medium tramway with Mine Car

this was modelled after the main tramway for mine cars from the Elkton Mine to carry tailings to the tailings piles from the mill and mine.

this tramway is just the trestle and track and 1 mine car

Night textures and snow textures are included.

Rights and Permissions.

You may re use the shape and or change it as you wish, I only request that it not be used for commercial purposes without my

my permission. No Liablity is offered you use at your own risk.

Chris Gerlach(CrisGer)

Elvas Tower
September 2015


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