Elvas Tower: New Orleans Public Service Inc. Perley Thomas Streetcar #836 and #970 - Elvas Tower

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New Orleans Public Service Inc. Perley Thomas Streetcar #836 and #970 Rate File: -----

File Name
New Orleans Public Service Inc. Perley Thomas Streetcar #836 and #970 by timmuir 
26 November 2006 - 12:46 PM
Last Updated
26 November 2006 - 12:46 PM
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9.36MB (Estimated Download Times)
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New Orleans Public Service Inc. Perley Thomas 800-899 class Streetcar.
NOPSI Car #836 and #970.

Included in this 2-car set are the #836 and #970. #836 is the source car for the entire series of the 800-899 class models, being that it is the car currently in the Connecticut Trolley Museum's collection which Phil Moberg has access to, allowing many of the fine details of the class to be captured.

Remember to have the contents of NOcommons.zip loaded into your Trainset folder to alias the cab and sounds.

Original File Name = NOPSI_836_970.zip

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