Elvas Tower: MORE 1932 Ford Panel Trucks Version 1.1 (Reduced draw calls) - Elvas Tower

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MORE 1932 Ford Panel Trucks Version 1.1 (Reduced draw calls) Rate File: -----

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MORE 1932 Ford Panel Trucks Version 1.1 (Reduced draw calls) by Frank Musick 
02 September 2021 - 12:27 PM
Last Updated
09 November 2021 - 08:55 AM
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1.95MB (Estimated Download Times)
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More 1932 Ford Panel Trucks Version 1.1 (Reduced draw calls)
MSTS Scenery Object
November 9th, 2021Parts of original model by Louis Fournier, adapted for MSTS and Open Rails by Frank Musick
Major parts created by Frank Musick
Textures manipulated from photographs obtained on the internet by Frank Musick.

First of all, I would like to make it perfectly clear that I did not create the shape file used for this model. Louis Fournier has uploaded his 3D models to Thingiverse.com where they are shared for free. Although Louis original intentionn was to share these files for reprinting on a 3D printer, I have used them here to create a scenery object for train simulation software in general, and for Microsoft Train Simulator and Open Rails specifically. A great deal of detail needed to be removed from the model to make it suitaable for use in the simulators.

This model is not a perfect replica of the full size counterpart. The models in this series were never intended to be. The textures were meant to make up for any deficiency in detail. The effort has been to create a reasonable facsimile of the high crown curves of the cars and trucks built in America in the mid 20th century.

Instsallation for MSTS and Open Rails differs a bit. Follow the Step 2 that works fro your install.

Step 1 Unzip the file 1932FordPanelTrucks.zip into any temporary directory. I personally use a folder I created for just this purpose called C:\TEMP which saves me a lot of searching around.

Once the file is unzipped go to the temporary folder and copy all the S and SD files into the SHAPES folder of the route you want to use the models in. Copy the ACE files into the TEXTURES folder of the same route. The contents of the file 1932FordPanelTrucks.ref must be added to the end of the REF file for that route.

Once the file is unzipped go to the temporary folder and copy all the S and SD files into the SHAPES folder. Copy the ACE files into the TEXTURES folder. The contents of the file 1932FordPanelTrucks.ref must be added to the end of the REF file for your route.

As far as support goes, I'm not sure what help I can give. If you do run into a problem with
the model feel free to contact me by emailing florencefishbein@gmail.com

This software has been released into the public domain as freeware.
Inclusion in any other freeware requires full recognition of the authors listed above.
This model cannot be used for any commercial purpose.

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