Elvas Tower: Patch for 1995 Amtrak's #3 SW Chief - Elvas Tower

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Patch for 1995 Amtrak's #3 SW Chief Rate File: -----

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Patch for 1995 Amtrak's #3 SW Chief by Amtrak115 
27 December 2020 - 11:31 AM
Last Updated
27 December 2020 - 11:31 AM
File Size
211.35K (Estimated Download Times)
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Thanks for downloading this patch as well as the other activities. I've been trying to figure out why the passenger trains were not running at passenger speeds but at freight speeds in both segments. (on the Chillicothe and the Marceline.) I knew from seeing the speed signs trackside that the Train monitor window (F4) was only displaying Freights speeds. At first I thought it was an issue with the route, so I researched speed post data and figured out that the speed signs and the track database matched. So the issue had to be somewhere else. Through several conversations had on Elvas Tower and Trainsim, I narrowed it down to the Consist files. Well that's not completely correct, it was the .WAG files for the four MHC cars used in the consists. They were labled "freight" as opposed to "carriage". By changing the type field in the .WAG files to "carriage" fixed the speed problem. So I've included in this patch updated .WAG files for the four MHC cars used in the "Southwest Chief alt" consist. (The freeware version, It appears the SLI version was fine)

During testing I found an issue with a path file in the first segment (Chillicothe Sub) that cause an opposing freight to not spawn. So besides the update to the \Trains\Trainset\ folder there is the corrected path file. In the second segment I found another path issue, which two services used, so a new path and two new services files are included for the second Segment (Marceline Sub). Because of the increased speeds of the player trains, all the traffic files had to have their start times adjusted or the player would never see any opposing traffic as they would all spawn after the player had past their projected meets. So a new Traffic file is included for the second segment. The Activity file also needs to be updated to reflect these new traffic files. I included a copy of the activity file for the first segment, but I really don't think it needs to be updated, but to be safe...I included it. I also update the text in the Read-me-first file for the second segment. I also included the updated version of the spreadsheets for your reference. (If your interested)

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